Current work
In 2019 after having a couple of years away due to ill health, I came full circle and began combining my unique paper technique with different wood, from English hardwoods to exotic wood such as Purple Heart and Padauk. The relationship between the two materials is taking me on an amazing new journey within my artistic process.
By continuing the working practises I previous employed with each material independently, I have married the two, creating my Eth (ð) and Conical Strata Collections, with stunning results.
My process combines two materials that began at the same source - wood, a material of longevity and paper, a short-term material that I recycle to create a new shape and texture, thus extending its journey. As the pieces are hand worked each material’s grain exposes the consequences of my working actions, revealing the unseen internal imprint as the surface is scraped away.
Our Journey -The Hub, Sleaford, England. Design Nation 2022